Thinking of Ordering Yarn For Your Shop?
- Kokomo Yarns is a small wholesaler owned by two women with a teeny staff of one part-time helper
- We ship as soon as we are able, but may be out of stock in some colors. We will always contact you about issues.
- As of July 1, 2019 we are implementing a $100 minimum for all orders with the exception of stitch markers.
- We have a half bag minimum for all yarn. For most of our commercial lines, we offer special mixed packages for those who wish to "sample" our yarn before carrying the full line.
- A great way to test our yarns is through our kits. We add new kits every few months and welcome suggestions.
- Make sure you request membership to our website via! Kelli periodically updates the website and the member area with new information, order forms, and patterns.